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Working on your fitness can really improve your tennis game. The workout below targets each of the main areas involved in the game so you’re in top shape when you step on court. Repeat the workout twice a week for the best results, resting for 30-45secs between sets.  Start with a warm-up of marching then jogging on the spot and stretches for the upper and lower body.  

Forward and Side Jumps/hops – 2 sets.

Arrange 5 low hurdles in the floor roughly 1.5f apart (you can use cones or any other markers if necessary).  Jump over each hurdle with feet together, using your arms to add momentum, jumping again as soon as you land. Turn to your right and repeat the course, jumping sideways, leading with your left shoulder, and then repeat leading with your left. 

Lunge and Twist – 2 sets of 12 reps (6 each side)

Stand with feet together holding a medicine ball or weight level with your chest.  Take a large step forward with your right leg and extend your arms out in front of you.  Rotate your torso to the right and then back to the centre.  Bend both knees to perform a lunge, making sure your front knee is behind your toes.  Quickly straighten your legs, jumping up and bringing your left leg forward and right leg back.  Turn your torso to the left and then back to centre, lunging and jumping again.  Continue, alternating sides to complete one set. 

Med Ball Fly – 2 sets of 8 reps

Lie on your back with hips and knees bent, feet flat on the floor.  Take your arms straight out to the sides holding a medicine ball in your right hand, with elbows slightly bent.  Bring your arms together to meet in the middle, without bending your elbows any further, taking the ball in your left hand.  Lower your hands down towards the floor, without letting them touch and repeat, continuing to pass the ball between your hands – taking the ball down and up with each hand counts as one rep. 

Reverse Fly – 2 sets of 8 reps

Stand with feet together, holding a dumbbell in each hand, knees slightly bent.  Take your left leg back to rest your foot on a stability ball.  Bend forwards from the hips, keeping your back straight with hands under shoulders and elbows slightly bent, palms facing together.  Take your arms out, bringing your hands level with your shoulders, without bending or straightening your elbows.  Lower your arms and repeat to complete one set. Combined

Crunch and Twist – 2 sets of 6 reps

Begin lying on your back, holding a medicine ball or weight just above your chest.  Raise your feet off the floor, bending your hips and knees to 90 degrees and taking your arms straight up above your chest – this is the starting position.  Crunch up, lifting your head, shoulders and upper back off the floor.  Extend your left leg and rotate your torso to the right slightly, return both to the starting position and repeat on the other side to complete one rep.  If you find your lower back arching, extend your leg higher off the floor. 

Side Plank – 30secs each side

Start lying on your right side, legs in line with feet together.  Place your right hand on the floor, directly under your shoulder.  Straighten your right arm, lifting your hips off the floor to form a straight line from head to toe, taking your left arm onto your left hip.  Hold this position for the allotted time.  To increase the difficulty, firstly try taking your left arm straight up and then lifting your left leg slightly.  Repeat on the left side.