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Sitting and Standing

sitting and standing

To Burn Calories- Standing

According to studies standing at a desk increases calorie burn by 20 percent compared to sitting. Why? When we sit, our muscles are not engaged, our digestive system slows and blood circulation is gradual. So if you find yourself chained to the desk most of the time, stand up every 20 minutes and go to the printer, get a drink of water, take a stretch or pace while talking on the phone.

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Your Quality of Sleep Matters

Your Quality of Sleep Matters


For an ideal sleep you need to go through several stages. Two of these phases are particularly important: Deep sleep is the most restorative stage of sleep when the body repairs itself, and studies suggest the most damaging effects of sleep deprivation are from inadequate deep sleep.

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Omega 3 Nutrition Benefits

Omega 3 Nutrition Benefits

It is true to say that all fats are not created equal. In fact, fats such as cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats are detrimental to one’s health when ingested in large quantities. Conversely, omega 3 fatty acids are one type of fat that possess countless health benefits.

Omega 3s have been shown to improve heart rate, cut the risk of blood clots, decrease plaque in arteries, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and boost good cholesterol (HDL).

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5 Signs You're Overtraining

5 Signs You're Overtraining

Believe it or not, exercise can be unhealthy if overdone. It’s known as overtraining.

When we exercise, we push our body, and this is normal. The exertion stimulates our muscles and cardiovascular system, which makes us fitter. But when we increase the frequency of our training, or up the intensity level, our bodies struggle to recover which can bring progress to a standstill, or even send it backwards.

Everyone is different so there’s no exact formula for how much exercise is the right amount. How quickly your body recovers is affected by experience, intensity, how often you train, nutrition, sleep and other lifestyle factors. But there are a few tell-tale signs it might be time to pull it back a little.

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Exercise Can Help Boost Brain Bower

Exercise Can Help Boost Brain Bower

Getting fit isn’t just about bigger muscles, it also helps build brain cells. Here are five reasons why exercise makes you smarter, sharper and more productive.

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How To Stay Hydrated

How To Stay Hydrated

Keep a bottle of water with you during the day:

While it might seem obvious, always carrying a water bottle with you will encourage you to keep sipping on water throughout the day. Keep a bottle on your desk at work, in your car or in your gym bag and you’ll have one with you wherever you go.

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Ways to Balance Lifestyle and Fitness Goals


Sometimes it’s all too easy to put health and fitness into the ‘goals to be achieved’ bucket and revisit at a time in your life when it feels like more of a priority.

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Benefits of Exercising


When it comes to breaking a sweat, many people focus on bigger biceps and a trim waistline, but for some, that’s not enough motivation to get moving. Indeed, the phrase ‘exercise is medicine‘ is becoming increasingly recognized as a fundamental form of treatment for various lifestyle related diseases, including depression, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, some cancers, and hip fractures. Here are a few unexpected benefits of exercise that happen when you're active.

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How to Motivate Yourself to Run

How to Motivate Yourself to Run

Let’s be honest, finding the motivation to run isn’t always easy. Even for the seasoned runners and athletes out there, there are plenty of days where the last thing you want to do is go for a run. Too busy, too tired, hot weather, cold weather, not feeling well, I’ll do it tomorrow – we’ve all been there with ways of talking ourselves out of a run. And while you’ll always regret not going for your run, you will almost never regret just getting out there and doing it. To help you on those days where you’re just not feeling it, here are some tips to motivate you to get out the door and get those miles in:

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  1302 Hits

The Right Way to Bench Press

The Right Way to Bench Press

The bench press is one of the most important upper body exercises. You can be forgiven for thinking it is a chest exercise, a lot of people do; however, it is so much more than that. It is a compound exercise, and that is because it recruits many muscles throughout the body.

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What Are Compound Exercises?

What Are Compound Exercises?

There are two main classifications of exercises: compound exercises and isolation exercises. In this post, we will cover exactly what a compound exercise is.

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How to Get Back on Track After a Binge


Starting a new training and eating regime often resembles the wheels of the bus. Everything is running smoothly until the wheels come off, motivation plummets and you have just finished the entire tub of Ben & Jerry’s. What next?

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  1517 Hits

Salt or Sodium and Extra Weight

salt2In the last decades many different theories about salt or sodium have come to light.

Weight gain and retention have many origins as well as supposed solutions. However, one common food item with a significant impact on body weight is salt, or sodium.

Food manufactures add a lot of salt to foods, deadening our over-stimulated taste buds, and to increase product shelf life. Salt is in virtually all commercially produced foods and drinks including diet soda and even some supposedly organic products. We get used to the taste and then find products with less or no salt not to our liking.

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Back pain and exercise: How fitness can help


Your back (spine) is made up of vertebrae (bones) that make up 5 spinal regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and the coccyx. Between each vertebrae sits a shock-absorbing disc that allows movement and provides flexibility.

The purpose of your spine is to protect your spinal cord. Nerves from the spinal cord pass through the intervertebral foramen to the body, allowing messages to be transmitted to and from the brain and the periphery (e.g., your limbs).

The spine is supported by ligaments such as the anterior longitudinal ligament, the posterior longitudinal ligament, and the ligament flavum, and the core muscles such as the transversus abdominis and the multifidus. The unique and complex structure of spine allows humans to move with great freedom, but also requires coordinated interactions between vertebrae, vertebral discs, ligaments, and supporting musculature in order to achieve healthy function.

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Injured During Exercise


There’s nothing worse than getting injured during a training program or exercise session, especially when much preparation and planning has gone into getting started and you feel you are doing really well and making quality health and fitness gains. We can all benefit from developing an increased awareness of the many risk factors that can lead to sustaining such a frustrating injury.

I’ve had a few in my time playing sports, and perhaps you have also encountered at least one from the list below if you exercise on a regular basis.

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  4416 Hits

Is the Cure to Hay Fever Exercise?

Is the Cure to Hay Fever Exercise?

Does the thought of spring make you sneeze? Don’t stop your workouts due to hay fever; science suggests exercise might help relieve your symptoms. 

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  2171 Hits

Body After a Baby


Already worried about getting back in shape post-baby? Here are six things you need to know before easing back into fitness.

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How to Stay Focused at Work


Prone to procrastination, distraction or a bit of office socializing? Even the best of us can struggle to keep focused from 9 to 5. Here are 3 tips to help you master workplace concentration.

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  1769 Hits

Measures Every Woman Should Take to Protect Her Heart



Women of all ages should take heart disease seriously. Those under the age of 65, and especially those with a family history of heart disease, need to pay close attention to the risk factors. Smoking is another contributing risk for heart disease more so in women than in men, so either quit or don’t start this unhealthy habit.

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  1720 Hits

How To Stay Active When on Vacation


It doesn’t have to mean sweating it out in the gym, get outdoors and make the most of the weather.

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