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Fat Free Foods & Risks

Fitness and Aging

The term ‘fat-free’ is one of the more common forms of labelling that should raise a warning flag. If you’re new to losing weight it’s an easy mistake. ‘Fat-free’ yogurt may be relatively free of fat but when the fat is taken out the yogurt doesn’t taste so good. Manufacturers compensate by adding more sugar as well as thickening agents neither of which are good for your health or your diet plan. Fat free ice cream is much the same with added sugar in the form of corn syrup that is high in fructose – one of the main causes of obesity. 

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The Wellness World


The wellness world is growing consistently. From having a muscle headed body for the men, to a thin and trim search for the women. Everyone is on a nonstop fight for attaining to that flawless body.

Health is the quest for upgraded personal satisfaction, self-awareness, and potential through constructive way of life practices and mentality. On the off chance that we assume liability for our own particular wellbeing and prosperity, we can enhance our wellbeing consistently. Certain components impact our condition of wellbeing, including healthy food, physical movement, and activity.

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Injured During Exercise


There’s nothing worse than getting injured during a training program or exercise session, especially when much preparation and planning has gone into getting started and you feel you are doing really well and making quality health and fitness gains. We can all benefit from developing an increased awareness of the many risk factors that can lead to sustaining such a frustrating injury.

I’ve had a few in my time playing sports, and perhaps you have also encountered at least one from the list below if you exercise on a regular basis.

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The Good & The Bad Caffeine


I remember when I was in school and after every break my primary school teacher would bring back a coffee into the classroom she’d sit there drinking it like it was the best thing ever. She used to read a story to us and because we all sat fairly close to her, her breathe stunk of coffee! However the cup of coffee she was drinking from smelled amazing!

There was one memory of my mum (not a coffee drinker) making a coffee to try it out and I wanted to taste it because it smelled so good, but when I did it tasted like I was eating the skin of an orange without actually tasting any orange. At 5-6 years old the bitter taste was just too much. It wasn’t until 2013 that I tried coffee again, I was a grown man, I got to stay up past my bed time and I didn’t need to hold hands with anyone to cross the road. 

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A Tough Running Workout

A Tough Running Workout

I’ve been slacking on the running front recently, but in a bid to get back into shape I’ve enlisted the help of personal trainer and ultra runner extraordinaire. Her sessions are NEVER easy but she’s been doing a lot of training recently. This means she’s got even more nasty little running tricks up her sleeve. Last week, in 90 degree heat may I add, she made me do this workout.

I nearly puked on three occasions and had to go straight to bed afterwards. It’s great for improving your overall fitness, run speed and working on pacing. The lamp post adds a touch of agility training and means you have to slow down and speed up again – making things that bit trickier. It’s also a bit of a mental challenge, you don’t think you can do it but you can (although if you really can’t maybe start by lowering the number of repeats and adding more next time).

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Kettle Bell Workout


A quick Kettle Bell session you can do in your lunch break for less than 15 minutes!

Most of the trainers love Kettle Bell. Perfect for all days where we’re short of time or space. So we thought to put together an all-over body session to do at home, in the gym or a park.

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Fitness Tips & Tricks to make you look (and feel) younger


What steps do you currently have in place to ensure you become healthier, stronger and fitter each day? There are many health habits we can implement to ensure we develop both physically and mentally and find that happier more confident place. Here are four very simple, yet highly effective, healthy decisions you can start to make immediately:

Eat more Thin Skinned Fruits

Eating more thin skinned fruits will provide us with an abundance of antioxidants and anti–inflammatory effects, especially useful for athletes and committed exercise enthusiasts to help speed up and improve recovery. 

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  3856 Hits

Why you should hire a Personal Trainer

Why you should hire a Personal Trainer in Astoria

Investing in the services of a personal trainer may have crossed your mind if you are committed or seriously considering making a commitment towards improving your health and fitness. Many questions are likely to come to mind, mainly whether it will be worth the prices involved per session or if they can offer something you cannot achieve alone or alongside an equally enthusiastic friend. This kind of questions depend on the quality of trainer you decide to hire, this is not a decision to made quickly and a bit of research is often required.

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Stretching Tips & Tricks


Everybody’s bodies are different and require trial and error to determine what will have it functioning at its optimal level.
With this in mind, to figure out whether you should be stretching or not is entirely up to you!

Stretch tip #1: Focus on your breathing as well!

Personally, I love stretching before, after and even during my workouts. The reason I like to stretch a little beforehand?

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  3399 Hits

Work Your Upper Body and Core


From a standing position, bend at the hips and place your palms flat on the floor in a short Down Dog position. Make sure your fingers are spread wide and you're pressing firmly into the fingertips. Gaze at a spot on the floor slightly in front of you. Gently rock your weight forward as you push off the balls of the feet, trying to get space between your feet and the floor. Take small hops at first to get comfortable with having all your bodyweight in your hands.

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How to run a 10K

Easy guide to 10K running

Running a 10K run it's not so easy as it sounds. Requires a lot of preparation, more than average health and and a plan, in order to succeed and avoid injuries. You may think, ‘I can run 5k, I don’t need a training plan, I just need to run a bit further’. Which, yes, is true to an extent but a proper training plan will get you running further and faster better than if you just tag a couple of extra miles onto your long runs now and again. 

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5 Tips for Great Running

5 Tips for Great Running

When I first got into running, I encountered everything from difficult rankles to scraping to unsupported chests — no big surprise I loathed it. I wish somebody had sat me down and let me know these essential tips and tricks to smooth my move from non-runner to runner. In case you're simply beginning all alone voyage beating the asphalt or treadmill belt, here are things you ought to think about running.

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Quick 30 min Running Workout

Quick 30 min Running Workout

Sometimes we have to re-discover our love for running. In my case it’s been coming in waves over the past few months, but I can finally honestly say that I’m enjoying it again.

I had a forced few weeks off pretty much all exercise last month, and when I came back running and cycling were the only options. Now I’m REALLY not a fan of bikes (although I know spin is an excellent workout and I do try to fit it in semi-regularly), so running was pretty much the only option.

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  3443 Hits

5 Best Weight Loss Workouts

5 Best Weight Loss Workouts

There are hundreds of workouts that can help you with your weight loss goals. Even if you spend time on the gym or with a personal trainer there are few of them that comes ahead based on the results. Here are the top 5:


This compound movement, one which we all perform everyday when whilst [reluctantly] getting out of bed – the basic movement has some mighty powers! To my mind, the best way to execute the move is to imagine you’re slowly sitting down onto a chair, and then reversing the motion back up. For a progression, use a Barbell to supplement the weight.

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  3402 Hits

Sweet tips and detox

Sweet tips and detox

Processed sugar pretty much has 99% of the population in its white devil grips. Weight gain, foggy heads, Candida, depression… just a few of the by products it leaves in its trail of excess consumption. Yes it is dam hard to break the bond but it can be done will a little (or a lot!) of will power and some handy tips to cope with cravings.

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From the couch to the Gym

From the couch to the Gym

Summer season is nearly upon us, and whether you are planning on completing a half marathon or just build a better body through running, it’s always good to be prepared. Here are some helpful tips to get prepare.

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  3253 Hits

The Importance of Activity


Take a well-deserved rest day. After all, a day off allows your muscles to recover, rebuild, and become stronger.

But chill days aren't just for lounging on the couch. To speed your recovery and get your blood flowing to help feed your weary muscles, take yourself for a 20-minute stroll, bike ride, jog, or swim, and then show your muscles some TLC with massage and stretching.

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  3398 Hits

Macros Tracking and Results

Macros Tracking and Results

Let’s start off with the basics – what does the word Macros mean? Ultimately Macros is short for Macronutrients – Macronutrients refers to the nutrients you get from food that gives us calories or energy. The word ‘macro’ means large, therefore macronutrients are nutrients needed in large quantities. There are three types of macronutrients and they come in the form of Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins.


Fundamentally, tracking your macros means counting how many grams of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that you consume on a daily basis.

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Interval Training & Fitness

Interval Training & Fitness

No doubt you will have heard about interval training. There’s also quite a strong possibility that you haven’t yet tried it out. Horrible nightmare images of you sprinting every 30 second, gasping for breath? Visions of yourself pedalling on level 20 of your bike, legs burning and feeling like they’re probably going to drop off? Most people I speak to about interval training are put off because they think it involves sprinting like a madman, and they just don’t think they’re capable of holding out at that level of intensity, even for 30 seconds.

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Tips when you can't (don't want) go to the gym.

Tips when you can't (don't want) go to the gym.

Some days, I just don’t feel like training. Sometimes this because I’ve been working a lot, not sleeping enough, not eating properly, or overloaded with other things to do. Usually, I just train anyway: partly because I’ve got goals to hit, and partly because life (and being a grownup) is about doing things you don’t necessarily want to do in pursuit of a greater good, and the gym is a good way to practice that. But sometimes – maybe once a month, I really can’t face doing the workout I’ve got planned.

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  3029 Hits

How You Could Be Harming Your Fitness Results

How You Could Be Harming Your Fitness Results

You’re getting up early, putting on gym gear and heading out to train… yet nothing’s happening. It’s very demotivating when you’re making the effort and you’re not seeing results, but sticking on a pair of runners and joining your local gym doesn't automatically equal better fitting jeans. If you’re struggling to reach your goals despite doing all the right things, check this list out and make sure you’re not being held to ransom by self-sabotaging habits.

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6 Tips for Building Mental Muscle

6 Tips for Building Mental Muscle

Changing your body can often mean changing your mind too. It can be an uphill battle at the best of times, but without the right mindset, you may never get to your transformation peak.

By building ‘mental muscle’ and training the mind to support your exercise, you will be well on your way to achieving your goals. Here are a few tips to get you started:

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  2375 Hits

What Makes Us Eat More in Winter?

What Makes Us Eat More in Winter?

There’s just something about the comfort that food brings us in winter. If you find it hard to resist the munchies on a cold night, you’re not alone.

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  2432 Hits

Staying Fit at Work

Staying Fit at Work

You've probably heard how sitting for prolonged periods of time is just as dangerous as smoking. According to studies and doctors the affects lead to serious health problems, equivalent to those of smoking.

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  2264 Hits

Not So Obvious Signs of Stress

 Not So Obvious Signs of Stress

Are you suffering from stress and don’t even realize it? Watch for these important warning signs.

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Is the Cure to Hay Fever Exercise?

Is the Cure to Hay Fever Exercise?

Does the thought of spring make you sneeze? Don’t stop your workouts due to hay fever; science suggests exercise might help relieve your symptoms. 

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  2173 Hits

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget 

Eating healthy and sticking to a budget is not always easy, but with a few simple tricks you can keep your wallet fat and your waistline trim!

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  2312 Hits

8 Shortcuts to Eating Healthy

8 Shortcuts to Eating Healthy

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are 8 of the best shortcuts to keep your healthy habits in check!

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How Running Can Improve Your Life

How Running Can Improve Your Life 

Running is a great cardio workout and improves your overall fitness, but did you know it can also help you live longer?

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  2151 Hits

Body After a Baby


Already worried about getting back in shape post-baby? Here are six things you need to know before easing back into fitness.

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  2346 Hits

Steps to Reduce Bloating


 1. Ditch the Gum

When you chew gum, you also swallow a whole heap of air, which can lead to stomach distention.

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  2072 Hits

Train with a Friend


If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your results, the answer could be simpler than you think. Recruit a training buddy!

Here are a few benefits that you can enjoy when you work out with a friend instead of going alone.

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  2273 Hits

Which bread is best?


Despite contrary belief, bread offers many nutritional and health benefits for a well-balanced diet. But with so many options and information out there, how do you know if you’re choosing the right one? Use our guide to help you pick the best bread for you.

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  2751 Hits

Healthy Snack Suggestions


When choosing a nutritious snack to tide you over, remember three things you need: Protein + Fat + Fiber and here's why. 

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  1983 Hits

Common Mistakes When Going Gluten Free

gluten free

Thinking of going gluten free? Whether you’re battling an intolerance or simply want to test the waters, it’s easy to be put off by all the foods on the chopping block. Here are five common mistakes made by many who go gluten free and how to avoid them.

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  1718 Hits

How to Stay Focused at Work


Prone to procrastination, distraction or a bit of office socializing? Even the best of us can struggle to keep focused from 9 to 5. Here are 3 tips to help you master workplace concentration.

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Sleep and how it affects you

Sleep and how it affects you

Lack of sleep is not just bad for your concentration, but can lead to a range of issues, including bad skin and weight gain.

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Measures Every Woman Should Take to Protect Her Heart



Women of all ages should take heart disease seriously. Those under the age of 65, and especially those with a family history of heart disease, need to pay close attention to the risk factors. Smoking is another contributing risk for heart disease more so in women than in men, so either quit or don’t start this unhealthy habit.

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  1721 Hits

How To Stay Active When on Vacation


It doesn’t have to mean sweating it out in the gym, get outdoors and make the most of the weather.

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Creating a Nutrient Rich Breakfast



You’ve heard it before: breakfast is the most important meal, helping to kick start your metabolism, stabilize blood sugar levels and reduces the chance of making poor food choices throughout the rest of the day. But with our demanding lives we often find ourselves scratching our heads to think of quick and healthy foods to eat.

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How to stay hydrated when working out


Feeling thirsty, light-headed, tired, headachey, a dry mouth and lips are early signs of dehydration, so read our guide to what’s best to drink.

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Signs You Might Need to Lift Heavier Weights


If you’re about to hit the weights floor, but you’re still kind of unsure if you’re using the right weights, listen up! Knowing when to pick a heavier set of dumbbells, or add extra weight to your barbell can be tricky.

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  2569 Hits

Benefits of red colored food

Benefits of red colored food

Fresh produce packs a punch with a vibrant hue.

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