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Benefits of red colored food

Benefits of red colored food

Fresh produce packs a punch with a vibrant hue.

This is one little versatile veggie; the tartness of rhubarb works equally well as an accompaniment to meats and desserts. It’s full of vitamin C, calcium and potassium, but reigns as king when it comes to vitamin K (essential for bone health and blood clotting). A 100-gram serve of rhubarb provides almost one quarter of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K.

One of the secrets of endurance athletes, the juice from nitrate-rich beetroot is lauded for its ability to enhance muscular performance. Chowing down on beetroot co-opts the bacteria living inside your mouth to assist in converting the nitrate into nitric acid, which improves the efficiency of oxygen uptake by the muscles. 

A cousin of radicchio aka Belgian endive, this leaf emerges from a root vegetable and is a good source of vitamin C, folic acid (crucial for cell development during pregnancy) and fiber. A vibrant accompaniment that adds texture to warm salads and soups, it can also be braised in stock and served with roast dishes, or used fresh as a base filled with savoury minces. Look for leaves that are tightly packed and store them in a brown paper bag.

Also known as the tree tomato, the tamarillo originated in South America. A low-cal, nutrient-dense fruit, vitamins A, B6, C, E, thiamine, copper and manganese combine to offer supercharged properties for detoxifying, radiant skin and anti-aging. Try it in a juice, add it to a fruit salad or enjoy it raw sprinkled with herbs and spices. According to South American tradition, it even works wonders for inflamed tonsils.

A juicy, fiber-filled snack packed with vitamin C, apples are a low-GI fruit which help to stabilise energy levels through a slow release of sugars into the bloodstream. Try Red Delicious for sweetness, Braeburn for a sweet and tart combination or Fuji for crisp, dense and juicy flesh. Slice them and add a thin layer of unsalted nut butter with a dusting of cinnamon for a satisfying pre-workout munch.

Red kohlrabi
The taste and texture of this knobbly, turnip-like vegetable is similar to cabbage and broccoli stems, but sweeter. Its versatility offers the chance to get creative; try it roasted, steamed, mashed, made into a slaw or packed into vegetable fritters. Experiment and add it to your favourite curry recipe for a boost of minerals, vitamins C and B6. 

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