Kettle Bell Workout
A quick Kettle Bell session you can do in your lunch break for less than 15 minutes!
Most of the trainers love Kettle Bell. Perfect for all days where we’re short of time or space. So we thought to put together an all-over body session to do at home, in the gym or a park.
Warm up
Side twists (60 seconds)
Toe touches then hands stretched in the air (60 seconds)
The workout
Two Handed Kettle Bell Swing (3 x 60 seconds)
Works: Shoulders, back, hips, glutes, legs, abs
Hold the Kettle Bell (KB) in both hands with legs hip-width apart. Keep the upper body upright, and keep the abs and glutes (your bum!) tight. Start by squatting slightly and taking the Kettle Bell between the legs. Once the KB is between the legs, with arms straight, swing the KB up until it is in line with your shoulders. Then, slowly come down back to start position. Remember to never lock the knees.
Two Handed Kettle Bell Bent Over Bell Row (3 x 60 seconds)
Works: Back, arms, shoulders
Hold the KB with two hands. Bend your knees slightly and then push your bottom up in the air. Pull the KB towards your stomach bending your elbows but also keeping them tucked in. Your back should remain straight. Then extend and repeat.
Kettle Bell Lunge (3 x 30 seconds on each side)
Works: Glutes, quads
Hold the KB against your chest with two hands. Take a long stride forward keeping the KB placed against your chest. Then, slowly lower your torso going straight down, making sure the knee never passes over your big toe and that your bottom is pushed out. Just before the knee goes beyond the big toe, lift up. Make sure your head is held up and your shoulders are back.
Kettle Bell Sumo Squat (3 x 12 reps)
Works: Inner thighs, quads, glutes, hamstrings
With legs very wide apart, hold the KB in front of your pelvis. Keeping the head up, slowly squat down, making sure the knee never passes over your big toe and that your bottom is pushed out. Then slowly squat up. Just before the knee goes beyond the big toe, lift up. Make sure your head is held up and your shoulders are back.
Kettle Bell Dead Lift (3 x 12 reps)
Works: Legs, glutes, arms, abs
Hold the KB in front of your pelvis. Keeping the legs straight, slowly bend over with your head in alignment with your back at all times. Tuck abs in and then slowly bend down while the legs stay locked until you get a few inches from the floor and at this point slowly bring the body back up to start position. (Start with a lower weight as this exercise focuses on the lower back.)
Kettle Bell Push Ups (3 x 12 reps)
Works: Chest, back and arms
Place the KB on the floor. Position your chest over the KB with your knees off the floor. Then keeping your head down, bend the elbows until the KB touches the chest. Slowly return to start position. Keep the abs tight at all times.