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How to Improve Your Squats

 How to Improve Your Squats

In order to improve your squat, you need to make sure that your form is correct. Follow these tips to improve your squat form:

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Improving your balance

Improving your balance

While usually overlooked, good balance is an important factor for your overall health and injury prevention.  Poor balance can lead to falls and injury, especially for older people. By developing greater balance, you’ll improve your coordination and postural stability.

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Muscle stretching

calv1When taking up an exercise such as jogging, more serious running or just about any physical activity that pushes your body beyond its comfort zone, you’ll need an appropriate pre and post exercise warm up and wind-down routine if you want to avoid injuries. In addition to this you should always remember to avoid eating at least one hour before you exercise.

It’s all part of the process of getting fitter faster while listening to your body’s needs and respecting its capacity.

A common area for problems when running is the foot and ankle region which is where most of the impact occurs and blood pressure increasing during training. Keeping your calf muscles flexible can help you avoid tendonitis and plantar fasciitis by softening the shock as your foot hits the ground. One popular injury preventive training method which focuses on flexibility and strength is the Wharton Performance Model.

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Kettle Bell Workout


A quick Kettle Bell session you can do in your lunch break for less than 15 minutes!

Most of the trainers love Kettle Bell. Perfect for all days where we’re short of time or space. So we thought to put together an all-over body session to do at home, in the gym or a park.

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Stretching Tips & Tricks


Everybody’s bodies are different and require trial and error to determine what will have it functioning at its optimal level.
With this in mind, to figure out whether you should be stretching or not is entirely up to you!

Stretch tip #1: Focus on your breathing as well!

Personally, I love stretching before, after and even during my workouts. The reason I like to stretch a little beforehand?

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Quick 30 min Running Workout

Quick 30 min Running Workout

Sometimes we have to re-discover our love for running. In my case it’s been coming in waves over the past few months, but I can finally honestly say that I’m enjoying it again.

I had a forced few weeks off pretty much all exercise last month, and when I came back running and cycling were the only options. Now I’m REALLY not a fan of bikes (although I know spin is an excellent workout and I do try to fit it in semi-regularly), so running was pretty much the only option.

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