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The Gym and Better Sleep: How Exercise Can Help You Rest Easier

 The Gym and Better Sleep: How Exercise Can Help You Rest Easier

 In today's fast-paced world, where the pressures of work, family, and personal goals can be overwhelming, getting a good night's sleep can sometimes feel like an unattainable luxury.

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  577 Hits

Medical checkups can save lives

testsaThe continuous advancement in medical tests has been a major contributing factor to the increased life expectancy of our generation (among with a better and healthier diet and of course fitness). With advancements in medical science, medical abnormalities can now be detected earlier and with greater accuracy. Picking up changes early is vital to ensure that you can treat the condition or changes appropriately. As a result, exercise physiologists are playing an increasing role in the treatment and prevention of many lifestyle diseases.

Whilst medical testing is a meticulous science, it does rely on each individual to request the appropriate tests from their GP. At various stages of your life, the tests that are suitable will change. The following graphic provides you with succinct summary of medical tests that are appropriate through your lifespan. If you haven't had a medical check up in the past year and you are over the age of 30, you know what to do! A medical check up could save your life!

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  17988 Hits

5 Ways to Shake Your Salt Habbit


Eat Fresh Foods

While manufacturers are getting better at reducing the sodium levels in foods, you should still read the labels. Fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, unsalted nuts and fresh lean meats are naturally low in sodium and should make up the majority of your diet.

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  1874 Hits

Acid Reflux & Nutrition

acid reflux

The stomach, which contains hydrochloric acid, will help in the proper digestion of food. The problem lies when the LES either does not close all the way or it opens too often that produces acid to your stomach and move up into your esophagus.

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  2936 Hits

Injuries in free running


Many different types of injury can occur while someone is running. Although a certain amount of stiffness plus sore and tightened muscles is normal when training, it shouldn’t last for days and days on end.

As in the case of any kind of sports injury, correct diagnosis is fundamental to successful recovery. Check whether the problem is caused by inappropriate or poor quality running shoes - a very common issue specially here in NYC, poor or bad nutrition or insufficient preparation. Also keep in your mind that even when your injury has healed, it will take time and patience to get back to your normal.

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Functional Exercises

funcitonal excercises

Functional exercises are a great way to keep your body and mind active. They are also a great way to challenge yourself and make sure you are staying on track. With functional exercises, you can work on different parts of your body at the same time, which is an added bonus. 

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  1129 Hits

How to Stick to Your Health Goals During the Winter

 stick to health goals

Do you find sticking to those healthy habits become that little bit tougher during the colder months? Is hitting that snooze alarm and ditching your morning walk becoming the norm? Are you reaching for carbohydrate comfort foods more?

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  958 Hits

Benefits of Cardio Exercises

Benefits of Cardio Exercises

For some people when they start their health and fitness journey, it can often become overwhelming of where to begin. Cardio exercise is one of the most popular forms of exercise. Understanding the major benefits of cardio exercise may help you discover how to start including it as part of your routine.

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  1216 Hits

Low Calorie Food Options

Low Calorie Food Options

One of the key suggestions when aiming to eat healthier is planning your meals. Mapping out your meals with higher volume, lower-calorie options ensures that you never feel restricted and stay fuller for longer! Bulking up your meals with these 9 pantry staples means you always walk away feeling as energized as possible. 

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  1542 Hits

Lower Stress Levels

Lower Stress Levels

Eat more leafy greens

Leafy greens like spinach and kale are already known to be packed full of essential nutrients like iron, vitamin A, vitamin K and magnesium, but they’re also a rich source of folate, which helps the body to produce feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

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  1815 Hits

Foods To Eat Before A Workout

Foods To Eat Before A Workout

Our bodies need to be fueled correctly in order to function to the best of their ability when working out. Consuming the right foods and fluids before and after you exercise is crucial to get the best out of your exercise.

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  1058 Hits

How to Reduce Holiday Weight Gain


Whether you’re wine tasting in Italy or sampling the local delicacies in France, most holidays involve major food indulgences. There’s almost an unwritten rule that when you’re away from home, there’s a no-holds-barred mindset where all healthy eating habits are thrown out of the window.

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  1827 Hits

Kids and Toddlers Nutrition

Get on the front foot with your children’s eating habits and start to pave the way. Healthy eating is a skill that must be taught. They’ve got to learn it from us.

If you’re a little bit unsure as to where to start, here are the four ‘P’s  for raising healthy kids and toddlers:

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  2379 Hits

Weight Loss Through Nutrition


Weight loss can be achieved through gradually reducing the amount of calories you take in or by doing repetitive exercise for any given duration i.e. walking, jogging, running, cycling etc

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  1482 Hits

Vitamin D Deficiency

vitamiin d

There are three ways to get this much needed vitamin: the sun’s UV rays, food sources and supplements.

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  1678 Hits

How to Sleep Better


1. Create a calm and restful environment
Close down your laptop, put your phone down, turn off the lights and create a space that is calming and ideal for sleeping. Exposure to bright lights and electronics can stimulate your mind before bed which is the opposite of what we want when it’s time to sleep!

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  1848 Hits

Can Fat Loss Hormones be Activated?

weight loss

Two important hormones that shape our appetite and hunger signals are leptin and ghrelin. Leptin suppresses your appetite. The more body fat you have, the more leptin you produce.

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  1885 Hits

How to Get Rid of Bloating


Stay away from Carbonated Drinks

Drinking carbonated drinks such as sparkling water and soft drinks may seem like a treat, but where do you think those tingly bubbles end up? Trapped in your belly. Watch out for sugar-free or low-carb products, too. These beverages still contain artificial sweeteners, such as sorbitol, which can be difficult for many people to digest.

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  1709 Hits

Protein in Nutrition


Often people think of protein as a means for “bulking up” at the gym – but in fact, protein is so much more.  Did you know that protein is a component of every single cell in your body, and is used to build and repair bones and tissue?
So it’s safe to say – sourcing adequate protein is pretty important!

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  2128 Hits

5 Healthy Ingredients You Haven't Used Yet

5 Healthy Ingredients You Haven't Used Yet

Luckily we've uncovered 5 of the healthiest ingredients that you probably haven't used yet!

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  2471 Hits

Changes You Can Make to Your Lifestyle Today

Changes You Can Make to Your Lifestyle Today

If you’ve ever set a big goal, you know that your excitement and enthusiasm are high and you can’t wait to get started. But over time, motivation naturally starts to decrease and day-to-day life becomes a distraction. But that’s no reason not to set goals in the first place. You just have to change your strategy.

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  1688 Hits

Healthy Snacks You’ll Like



1. Fresh Fruit
Bananas: an excellent source of energy, Vitamin B6, potassium and fiber.
Apples: a great source of fiber, Vitamin C and help regulate blood sugar. They’re very satisfying, making them a perfect afternoon snack.
Blueberries: Blueberries are packed with Vitamin K, Manganese, Fiber and Vitamin C, and their antioxidant count is high.

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  1953 Hits

Coffee & Nutrition Facts


My general compromise for a person without these conditions is: 1 good quality coffee per day. What do I mean by good quality coffee? Coffee made by running water through ground coffee beans with an espresso machine, plunger etc. Instant coffee is not OK as it is high in a chemical called acrylamide which has been shown to cause nerve damage and some research suggests that it is carcinogenic (cancer causing).

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  1985 Hits

Beat Stress


When we are stressed, or experience stress there are changes in the brain and in the whole body. We experience the ‘stress response’ or ‘fight-flight’ response. When we are in danger or feel threatened our body gets ready and geared up to face up to it in the best possible way to survive. Our heart rate increases, muscles become tense, stress hormones are released and flood into the nervous system, fats and sugars release to create instant energy, the digestive system shuts down to save energy and the area of the brain which is used for clear decision making shuts down.

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  1820 Hits

Alcohol and Fitness

Alcohol and Fitness

Alcohol may help you fall asleep quickly, but the quality of your sleep may not be so good. Those who drink close to bedtime don’t get enough rapid eye movement (REM) sleep where important processes of dreaming and restoration occur. This lack of sleep impairs muscle recovery and reduces energy, meaning your workouts the next day will suffer.

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  2038 Hits

Heart Health Precautions Every Woman Should Take

Heart Health Precautions Every Woman Should Take


Women of all ages should take heart disease seriously. Those under the age of 65, and especially those with a family history of heart disease, need to pay close attention to the risk factors. Smoking is another contributing risk for heart disease more so in women than in men, so either quit or don’t start this unhealthy habit.

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  2030 Hits

The Importance of Antioxidants in Fitness

The Importance of Antioxidants in Fitness

When we think of athletes and active people, we certainly don’t think of exercise being dangerous to their health. It makes sense that active people would be healthier than sedentary ones. The truth is, exercise and strenuous physical activity can increase our oxygen consumption in order to meet our energy demands.

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  2624 Hits

Your Quality of Sleep Matters

Your Quality of Sleep Matters


For an ideal sleep you need to go through several stages. Two of these phases are particularly important: Deep sleep is the most restorative stage of sleep when the body repairs itself, and studies suggest the most damaging effects of sleep deprivation are from inadequate deep sleep.

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  2149 Hits

Omega 3 Nutrition Benefits

Omega 3 Nutrition Benefits

It is true to say that all fats are not created equal. In fact, fats such as cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats are detrimental to one’s health when ingested in large quantities. Conversely, omega 3 fatty acids are one type of fat that possess countless health benefits.

Omega 3s have been shown to improve heart rate, cut the risk of blood clots, decrease plaque in arteries, reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure and boost good cholesterol (HDL).

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  1889 Hits

Diet Mistakes that Slow Your Metabolism

Diet Mistakes that Slow Your Metabolism

Whether it’s your heart beating, nerves communicating or muscles pumping – your metabolism works 24/7 and is the source of your energy. To carry out these bodily functions, we require energy that ultimately comes from our food. Metabolic rate is affected by many factors, including our age, weight and genetics.

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  2089 Hits

5 Signs You're Overtraining

5 Signs You're Overtraining

Believe it or not, exercise can be unhealthy if overdone. It’s known as overtraining.

When we exercise, we push our body, and this is normal. The exertion stimulates our muscles and cardiovascular system, which makes us fitter. But when we increase the frequency of our training, or up the intensity level, our bodies struggle to recover which can bring progress to a standstill, or even send it backwards.

Everyone is different so there’s no exact formula for how much exercise is the right amount. How quickly your body recovers is affected by experience, intensity, how often you train, nutrition, sleep and other lifestyle factors. But there are a few tell-tale signs it might be time to pull it back a little.

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  2061 Hits

Exercise Can Help Boost Brain Bower

Exercise Can Help Boost Brain Bower

Getting fit isn’t just about bigger muscles, it also helps build brain cells. Here are five reasons why exercise makes you smarter, sharper and more productive.

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  2551 Hits

How To Stay Hydrated

How To Stay Hydrated

Keep a bottle of water with you during the day:

While it might seem obvious, always carrying a water bottle with you will encourage you to keep sipping on water throughout the day. Keep a bottle on your desk at work, in your car or in your gym bag and you’ll have one with you wherever you go.

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  1802 Hits

Protein Food that Can Help Burn Fat

Protein Food that Can Help Burn Fat

Including foods with protein in every meal and snack is essential for weight and fat loss. Protein containing foods help to make you feel fuller for longer period of time, preventing blood sugar spikes and dips.

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  1824 Hits

Health Benefits of an Alcohol-Free Month

 The Health Benefits of an Alcohol-Free Month

Studies have shown that even just one alcohol-free month boosts both your short- and long-term health and can help you drink less in the months following.

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  2523 Hits

How to Lower Blood Pressure

blood pressure

 Diet and lifestyle changes can have a positive impact on blood pressure levels. Here are five ways to lower your blood pressure naturally.

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  2272 Hits

Benefits of Exercising


When it comes to breaking a sweat, many people focus on bigger biceps and a trim waistline, but for some, that’s not enough motivation to get moving. Indeed, the phrase ‘exercise is medicine‘ is becoming increasingly recognized as a fundamental form of treatment for various lifestyle related diseases, including depression, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, some cancers, and hip fractures. Here are a few unexpected benefits of exercise that happen when you're active.

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  3753 Hits

Yoga Health Benefits

 Yoga Health Benefits

Yoga, an ancient practice and meditation, has become increasingly popular in today’s busy society. With many forms of exercise and training coming and going, yoga is one that has stood the test of time, having been around for more than 5,000 years. The word yoga means ‘to join or yoke together’. It brings your body and mind together, and is built on three main elements – exercise, breathing and meditation.

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  2105 Hits

Is Drinking Coffee Before Exercising a Good Idea?

Is Drinking Coffee Before Exercising a Good Idea?

Drinking coffee is a well-established and much loved part of many of our daily routines, with the majority of us not surviving the morning without a cup of our favourite brew. Coffee has become not just something we drink to help us wake up in the morning, but a way of life and a real part of our culture. Something perhaps less thought about is the impact a coffee has on athletic performance and whether it can be used as an effective pre-workout stimulant.

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  1903 Hits

What Are Compound Exercises?

What Are Compound Exercises?

There are two main classifications of exercises: compound exercises and isolation exercises. In this post, we will cover exactly what a compound exercise is.

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  3469 Hits

Essentials for a Fast Healthy Meal

 Essentials for a Fast Healthy Meal

Filling your fridge with healthy perishables makes whipping up nutritious meals a pleasure, not a chore. Fill your fridge with these 10 versatile ingredients.

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  1817 Hits

Are You Eating Enough?


are you eating enough? 

Are you getting enough nutrients to power through your HIIT class or do you sometimes feel like you’re running on empty? Lookout for these 5 common signs you’re not eating enough to fuel your workout.

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  2066 Hits

Vitamin D


Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin Your body produces vitamin D when you are directly exposed to sunlight. It is also a vitamin that you can get through certain foods and supplements to ensure that we have the correct levels in our blood.

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  1818 Hits

Your Guide to Protein Powders


If you’re into fitness, you’re most likely aware that protein is essential for muscle growth and recovery. But what about protein supplements? Are they necessary? What should you look for? Here is the best-practice guide.

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  1939 Hits

How to Get Back on Track After a Binge


Starting a new training and eating regime often resembles the wheels of the bus. Everything is running smoothly until the wheels come off, motivation plummets and you have just finished the entire tub of Ben & Jerry’s. What next?

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  1825 Hits

Handbags and health problems

According to latest media reports, handbags are getting heavier with one out of ten weighting over twelve pounds.

Did you know that carrying a heavier handbag can cause changes to your posture and increase your risk of injury?

It may sound far-fetched but the more you stuff into your bag the greater the risk of injury. While your bag may initially seem light, a heavier bag challenges your muscles and can quickly cause fatigue. Back pain, muscle aches, and injury all increase when muscles tire.If you can’t streamline your bag then you need to work on your core strength to combat the heavier load.  Try the following exercises three times a week.

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  28364 Hits

Heart Rate Measurement - a very important tool

Heart rate is a useful measure of physical exertion and can help monitor your performance and avoid some common training errors, such as going too fast on what should be long slow runs. You've seen this tool in front of you every time you are using a cardio machine in our gym.

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  60608 Hits

Cafeine and results to the brain

Neurons in the brain produce adenosine, levels of which are monitored via receptors.

When adenosine levels reach a certain level your body naturally begins to feel tired and ready to sleep or relax. However, when caffeine comes along in the form of a standard 100mg 8 oz cup of coffee its chemical similarities to adenosine deactivates the receptors and allows the brain’s natural stimulants dopamine and glutamate to flow freely producing a false energy rush. The effects vary according to genetics, physiology and tolerance.


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  18497 Hits

Health Benefits of Yogurt

1yogurtAlthough it is unlikely to have much effect on the Greek debt crisis, eating Greek yogurt has many benefits for those interested in improving their general health and fitness.

Unlike more conventional supermarket yogurts, the Greek variety is unsweetened and has a thicker texture. It can also be used in a variety of ways other than simply as a desert item or something to pour on top of your cornflakes.

Perhaps most important is the fact that Greek yogurt is basically healthier.

High in protein:Compared to most other types of yogurt, the Greek variety has from two to three times the amount of protein. One cup of plain, low fat conventional yogurt usually contains 5 – 10 grams of protein, whereas one cup of Greek yogurt has about 13 – 20 grams.

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  30952 Hits

Body problems and how to beat them

bodyproblms1If you are serious about developing your physical stregth, whether by competitive running, personal training, pumping iron in the gym, or even just doing yoga you’ll know there’s a whole lot more than seven potential ways in which your body can not only protest but cause some serious troubles.  Whatever your genetic strengths or weaknesses, learning to listen and respond to your body’s initial warning signs makes all the difference between a short or long recovery time and is crucial if you want to keep doing what you do well.  On this article the focus is on some of the most common injuries affecting competitive runners, but the information applies to most physical workouts and regimes.

Runner’s knee accounts for about 40% of all running injuries.  It typically strikes on longer runs, while descending hills or stairs, or after prolonged sitting.  Almost everyone is at risk.  The first solution is to slow down.  Take extra rest days and reduce your mileage, running only as far as you can without pain.  Running uphill or simulating hills on a treadmill strengthens your glutes, hips and thighs and prevents knees from rolling inwards.  Cycling is also good for strengthening your quads and swimming is knee-friendly.  If you have knee pain on waking which doesn’t ease up, stop running.

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  46253 Hits

Is running a marathon really dangerous for your health?

marathon1Marathons the last two decades are very succesfull. More and more people are participating either for athletic purposes either for a cause.

Let’s start with the bad news though. For those who believe running makes you healthier there are some rather depressing recent statistics. Last year Ryan Shay, aged 28, running in the US Men’s Olympic Trials in Central Park was the first world class marathon runner to die of a heart attack while competing. One day later Mathew Hardy, 50, died of a heart attack just after finishing the New York City Marathon. A month earlier Chad Schieber, 35, died in the Chicago Marathon although he’d previously been diagnosed with a heart defect.

Then of course, back in 1984, there was the case of Jim Fixx, who is largely accredited with popularizing running with his 1977 book ‘The Complete Book of Running’, who died of a heart attack aged 54 while running near his home in Vermont.Enough to make you hang up your running shoes? Then what about Bhai Fauja Singh? Nicknamed the ‘turbaned tornado’, born in the Punjab in 1911 and now living in East London, he’s 100 years old, a life-long vegetarian who avoids alcohol, fried foods and smoking and weighs only 52 kg and is not only running in international marathons, but consistently winning them in his age group. And he didn’t even start serious competitive running until in his 80s! Kind of contradictory, no?

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Muscle stretching

calv1When taking up an exercise such as jogging, more serious running or just about any physical activity that pushes your body beyond its comfort zone, you’ll need an appropriate pre and post exercise warm up and wind-down routine if you want to avoid injuries. In addition to this you should always remember to avoid eating at least one hour before you exercise.

It’s all part of the process of getting fitter faster while listening to your body’s needs and respecting its capacity.

A common area for problems when running is the foot and ankle region which is where most of the impact occurs and blood pressure increasing during training. Keeping your calf muscles flexible can help you avoid tendonitis and plantar fasciitis by softening the shock as your foot hits the ground. One popular injury preventive training method which focuses on flexibility and strength is the Wharton Performance Model.

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  18335 Hits

Another approach to vegetables and health

vegies1While all vegetables are basically good for your health some are better than others. Cruciferous veggies are special due to their chemical composition which includes sulphurous compounds which give then their pungent flavour. When broken down by either chewing or chopping these sulphurous compounds are converted into isothiocyanates (ITCs) which can prevent and help fight cancer as well as boosting the immune system. Cruciferous veggies also contain antiviral/bacterial agents that can help keep you disease free.

Cruciferous veggies include beets and their greens, bok choy, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radishes, turnip greens and watercress.

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  18578 Hits

5 Tips to drop your body fat

gainweight“Why am I not losing weight even though I’m training more?”

A very common question from many people, have many answers...First we need to make sure that everyone understands the difference between weight loss and fat loss.
What’s the difference?
Weight Loss = Wanting to lose body weight on a scale – The sum weight of bones, muscles, organs, fat, etc.
Fat loss = Wanting to reduce the fat on your body regardless of weight – The amount of fat between muscle and skin.

Weight loss can be achieved through gradually reducing the amount of calories you take in or by doing repetitive exercise for any given duration i.e. walking, jogging, running, cycling etc

Weight loss problems

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  15473 Hits

Fitness & Health for spring time

springmainSo, while it may not look or feel like spring outside, it’s spring! The end of Spring when Summer should be teasing us. Bringing all the fun things you’d associate – holiday weekends, barbecues, weddings, evenings drinking outside….. all of which add up to bad news for your clean eating and training regime. We are all human though and the odd blow out is not going to have hugely detrimental effects to your overall goal if it is exactly that – occasional. If you eat cleanly and exercise regularly, nothing wrong with treating yourself every now and again. What is wrong though is allowing what should be a cheat “meal” to become a full –on blow out. So you have a glass of wine and a dessert at lunchtime…. This does not give you licence to finish the rest of the bottle over the course of the afternoon and then have a takeaway pizza for dinner and raid the biscuit tin for a midnight snack. Do not let treats become pig outs!

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  13564 Hits

Weight lifting and tendon injuries

tendon1Tendon trouble and injuries is common amongst those who push their physical limits especially weight lifters. Shoulders are one of the more vulnerable areas of the body; however, anyone involved in strenuous exercise, workouts and sports is liable to strain or damage their tendons. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, advil and aspirin is only a short- term solution and if used extensively can lead to other health problems particularly of the digestive system.

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  11210 Hits

Look Healthy - Feel Healthy!

lookandfeelhealthy1The squat is the most simple but most technical move at the same time. Adults seem to have trouble most of the time as their lifestyle or job has caused some kind of muscular imbalance forcing them to move in a different way. From the picture below you can see the lady squatting with her shoulders rounding and the torso has fallen forward.

A good way I check to see if it’s a case of bad ankle mobility is to get her to stand on blocks elevating her heels. If the body still falls forward we generally assume that it’s higher up leg possibly her hip flexors and not her ankle mobility. If she didn’t lean forward, and it feels pretty comfortable we can assume that her ankle mobility is the issue which forces the rest of her kinetic chain to move in a different way.

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  7002 Hits

Junk Food Issues


Before we get into the details of the junk food addiction aspect let’s first define the subject. The official definition of junk food is food, meaning some substance that is basically edible, with little or virtually zero nutritional value. Junk food is often high in saturated fats and sugar and contains calories but little in the way of either protein, vitamins or minerals – as numerous scientific studies have proven. 

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  6753 Hits

5 Ways For Better Health

5 Ways For Better Health

Achieving optimal health and fitness can be challenging for even the most dedicated of us. But when applied each day, these top 5 rules for improved health and fitness can help you to attain more of it, forever:

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  5695 Hits

How to change your health.

How to change your health.

Sometimes the hardest part of making a positive shift is knowing where to start. It can be overwhelming when there are a number of changes to make or even when there is one big one. If you want to adopt healthy habits that will last, then the easiest way to do it is by making small, gradual changes.

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  4897 Hits

Peanuts are good


Hello, luscious, creamy vat of peanut butter. I’m diving in. Before I do though – does anyone know who invented peanut butter? Or any nut butter for that matter? I have no idea, I’m just throwing it out for conversation. Cause they certainly should get a Nobel Prize. Or something.

I actually don’t have a peanut recipe to share today, just some news about one of America’s fave foods.

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  4586 Hits

Sweet tips and detox

Sweet tips and detox

Processed sugar pretty much has 99% of the population in its white devil grips. Weight gain, foggy heads, Candida, depression… just a few of the by products it leaves in its trail of excess consumption. Yes it is dam hard to break the bond but it can be done will a little (or a lot!) of will power and some handy tips to cope with cravings.

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  3082 Hits

What Makes Us Eat More in Winter?

What Makes Us Eat More in Winter?

There’s just something about the comfort that food brings us in winter. If you find it hard to resist the munchies on a cold night, you’re not alone.

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  2693 Hits

Staying Fit at Work

Staying Fit at Work

You've probably heard how sitting for prolonged periods of time is just as dangerous as smoking. According to studies and doctors the affects lead to serious health problems, equivalent to those of smoking.

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  2560 Hits

Not So Obvious Signs of Stress

 Not So Obvious Signs of Stress

Are you suffering from stress and don’t even realize it? Watch for these important warning signs.

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  2571 Hits

Organic Foods Worth Buying

Organic Foods Worth Buying 

Do you need to buy organic all the time? There’s a difference between organic and conventionally grown foods when it comes to nutrition, safety and price. The organic food aisle can be difficult to navigate – not to mention, costly – but there are a few organic and pesticide-free products that are certainly worth the investment.

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  2501 Hits

Is the Cure to Hay Fever Exercise?

Is the Cure to Hay Fever Exercise?

Does the thought of spring make you sneeze? Don’t stop your workouts due to hay fever; science suggests exercise might help relieve your symptoms. 

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  2489 Hits

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget 

Eating healthy and sticking to a budget is not always easy, but with a few simple tricks you can keep your wallet fat and your waistline trim!

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  2615 Hits

8 Shortcuts to Eating Healthy

8 Shortcuts to Eating Healthy

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are 8 of the best shortcuts to keep your healthy habits in check!

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  3044 Hits

The Truth About Fat

 The Truth About Fat

A lot of people incorrectly assume that fat needs to be avoided at all costs. We’ve decided to take a look at what this food group actually does, and why it’s essential to staying fit and healthy.

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  2514 Hits

Sleep and how it affects you

Sleep and how it affects you

Lack of sleep is not just bad for your concentration, but can lead to a range of issues, including bad skin and weight gain.

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  1960 Hits

Measures Every Woman Should Take to Protect Her Heart



Women of all ages should take heart disease seriously. Those under the age of 65, and especially those with a family history of heart disease, need to pay close attention to the risk factors. Smoking is another contributing risk for heart disease more so in women than in men, so either quit or don’t start this unhealthy habit.

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  2073 Hits

Creating a Nutrient Rich Breakfast



You’ve heard it before: breakfast is the most important meal, helping to kick start your metabolism, stabilize blood sugar levels and reduces the chance of making poor food choices throughout the rest of the day. But with our demanding lives we often find ourselves scratching our heads to think of quick and healthy foods to eat.

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  1937 Hits