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When to take your supplements

Man-taking-pillWhey Protein (20gr)  is the fastest digesting protein with its amino acids quickly reaching muscles.

Some recommend a 200mg caffeine pill too instead of a cup of morning coffee to increase fat burning without raising cortisol levels. 30-60 minutes later, the most important step – eat a wholesome breakfast. Then wash down a multivitamin with a cup of Green Tea which contains natural polyphenols. These increase fat burning and aid joint and muscle recovery too although green tea extract is said to be more easily absorbed. Fish oil is another possible breakfast as well as lunch and evening meal time supplement.Another good time for supplements is an hour or so before training.

A whey shake containing 20gr whey plus 5gr BCAAs, 2-5gr Creatine and 2-3gr Beta-alamine will provide the amino acids to fuel your workouts, boost energy and muscle growth. The same mix is recommended immediately post workout.


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Losing fat and gaining muscle

fatandmusclesLosing fat and gaining muscle has nutritional, physical and psychological aspects. The following 15 strategies can help you reach your goals:

  • Increasing your protein intake helps protect muscles when calories are low and helps release stored energy.
  • Eating smaller meals more often provides a continuous flow of nutrients when calories are low. Foods high in nutrient volume but low in calories, such as spinach, broccoli and cabbage help you stay lean while feeling full. Beaten egg white expands for the same effect.
  • Eat more green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits to keep your body functioning and maintain your acid balance. Starches such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, etc. Should be kept for post workout meals.
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  52507 Hits

Protein drinks & fitness

protein1Everyone needs a certain amount of protein in their diet and anyone involved in fitness training and body building will logically need more in a daily basis. One way to get an energy boost after working out while avoiding the dangers of high fat sources of protein, such as fatty meats, is by shaking up a shake based on protein powder alternatives or buy one of the hundreds brands in the market.

There are a number of such alternative sources of protein that are ideal for making shakes, including soy, egg and whey. All are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. All you need is a blender, 1-2 minutes and some imagination.

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  28071 Hits

Peanuts are good


Hello, luscious, creamy vat of peanut butter. I’m diving in. Before I do though – does anyone know who invented peanut butter? Or any nut butter for that matter? I have no idea, I’m just throwing it out for conversation. Cause they certainly should get a Nobel Prize. Or something.

I actually don’t have a peanut recipe to share today, just some news about one of America’s fave foods.

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  4610 Hits

Good Nutrition For Clear & Shiny Skin

Shinny Skin

Your skin is the outside indicator of how your body is doing on the inside. Although important, taking care of it purely from the outside isn’t going to be enough if you want a glowing healthy looking skin.

Here are our top five foods for great looking skin

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  3830 Hits

Macros Tracking and Results

Macros Tracking and Results

Let’s start off with the basics – what does the word Macros mean? Ultimately Macros is short for Macronutrients – Macronutrients refers to the nutrients you get from food that gives us calories or energy. The word ‘macro’ means large, therefore macronutrients are nutrients needed in large quantities. There are three types of macronutrients and they come in the form of Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins.


Fundamentally, tracking your macros means counting how many grams of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that you consume on a daily basis.

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Super foods that help you burn fat

Super foods that help you burn fat

If you viеw fооd аѕ thе enemy, hеrе are itеmѕ thаt might mаkе you сhаngе уоur mind аnd hаvе them work fоr you inѕtеаd of against уоu. Whilе they mау bе рrеttу ѕuреr, you ѕhоuldn’t put аll of уоur attention on аnу one of them. Start bу introducing a few mоrе super fооdѕ that burn fat intо уоur diеt еасh wееk until you find that you’re еаting much more оf thеm thаn you used to. 

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  3147 Hits

Organic Foods Worth Buying

Organic Foods Worth Buying 

Do you need to buy organic all the time? There’s a difference between organic and conventionally grown foods when it comes to nutrition, safety and price. The organic food aisle can be difficult to navigate – not to mention, costly – but there are a few organic and pesticide-free products that are certainly worth the investment.

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  2526 Hits

Is the Cure to Hay Fever Exercise?

Is the Cure to Hay Fever Exercise?

Does the thought of spring make you sneeze? Don’t stop your workouts due to hay fever; science suggests exercise might help relieve your symptoms. 

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  2515 Hits

8 Shortcuts to Eating Healthy

8 Shortcuts to Eating Healthy

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are 8 of the best shortcuts to keep your healthy habits in check!

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  3071 Hits

Which bread is best?


Despite contrary belief, bread offers many nutritional and health benefits for a well-balanced diet. But with so many options and information out there, how do you know if you’re choosing the right one? Use our guide to help you pick the best bread for you.

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  3082 Hits

Healthy Snack Suggestions


When choosing a nutritious snack to tide you over, remember three things you need: Protein + Fat + Fiber and here's why. 

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  2281 Hits