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Can Fat Loss Hormones be Activated?

weight loss

Two important hormones that shape our appetite and hunger signals are leptin and ghrelin. Leptin suppresses your appetite. The more body fat you have, the more leptin you produce.

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  1885 Hits

Heart Rate Measurement - a very important tool

Heart rate is a useful measure of physical exertion and can help monitor your performance and avoid some common training errors, such as going too fast on what should be long slow runs. You've seen this tool in front of you every time you are using a cardio machine in our gym.

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When to take your supplements

Man-taking-pillWhey Protein (20gr)  is the fastest digesting protein with its amino acids quickly reaching muscles.

Some recommend a 200mg caffeine pill too instead of a cup of morning coffee to increase fat burning without raising cortisol levels. 30-60 minutes later, the most important step – eat a wholesome breakfast. Then wash down a multivitamin with a cup of Green Tea which contains natural polyphenols. These increase fat burning and aid joint and muscle recovery too although green tea extract is said to be more easily absorbed. Fish oil is another possible breakfast as well as lunch and evening meal time supplement.Another good time for supplements is an hour or so before training.

A whey shake containing 20gr whey plus 5gr BCAAs, 2-5gr Creatine and 2-3gr Beta-alamine will provide the amino acids to fuel your workouts, boost energy and muscle growth. The same mix is recommended immediately post workout.


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Three Ways for Great Result in Weight Loss

We are often asked about the best ways to lose weight. Naturally we recommend exercise; specifically weight training and interval-based cardio, in combination with a healthy eating plan.  There’s lots of anecdotal evidence out there as to the additional things people can do to make weight loss more effective.  This advice ranges from the sensible to the sublime, and in some cases these hints and tips can actually do more harm than good. 

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Losing fat and gaining muscle

fatandmusclesLosing fat and gaining muscle has nutritional, physical and psychological aspects. The following 15 strategies can help you reach your goals:

  • Increasing your protein intake helps protect muscles when calories are low and helps release stored energy.
  • Eating smaller meals more often provides a continuous flow of nutrients when calories are low. Foods high in nutrient volume but low in calories, such as spinach, broccoli and cabbage help you stay lean while feeling full. Beaten egg white expands for the same effect.
  • Eat more green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits to keep your body functioning and maintain your acid balance. Starches such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, etc. Should be kept for post workout meals.
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Spring is here - Time to lose fat

over2After a really heavy winter in NYC, spring is coming and many of us - especially women- have been looking for different ways to lose weight. Recently I flipped a typical women magazine at my colleague’s desk, I saw advertisements selling magic cream, magic foods, uknown slimming pills and many other too good to be true weight loss products or services. Look as if those companies are never getting tired in coming out with new products which promise easy way to lose weight. Unfortunately, customers become the victim of many of these products but seldom they learn from it. Why? Because they too continue to look for easy fast and way to achieve the ideal weight.

There is only one secret to guarantee you to lose weight. This method has proved to be working well, whether it is in year 1968, 2008 or even 2048. Actually, instead of lose weight, you should lose fat to be exact. Weight can be fat, muscle and bones. What we need to get rid of is the body fat.

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5 Tips to drop your body fat

gainweight“Why am I not losing weight even though I’m training more?”

A very common question from many people, have many answers...First we need to make sure that everyone understands the difference between weight loss and fat loss.
What’s the difference?
Weight Loss = Wanting to lose body weight on a scale – The sum weight of bones, muscles, organs, fat, etc.
Fat loss = Wanting to reduce the fat on your body regardless of weight – The amount of fat between muscle and skin.

Weight loss can be achieved through gradually reducing the amount of calories you take in or by doing repetitive exercise for any given duration i.e. walking, jogging, running, cycling etc

Weight loss problems

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  15473 Hits

Fast Weight Loss Training


People constantly thinking that weight loss is linked to many hours of gym and sweat… Well, let's say that this is just a myth.
You dont need to go for an hour 4 times a week to get results. All you need is a regular ’Fastie’ and you will feel the difference. 

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  6326 Hits

Fat Free Foods & Risks

Fitness and Aging

The term ‘fat-free’ is one of the more common forms of labelling that should raise a warning flag. If you’re new to losing weight it’s an easy mistake. ‘Fat-free’ yogurt may be relatively free of fat but when the fat is taken out the yogurt doesn’t taste so good. Manufacturers compensate by adding more sugar as well as thickening agents neither of which are good for your health or your diet plan. Fat free ice cream is much the same with added sugar in the form of corn syrup that is high in fructose – one of the main causes of obesity. 

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  4473 Hits

5 Best Weight Loss Workouts

5 Best Weight Loss Workouts

There are hundreds of workouts that can help you with your weight loss goals. Even if you spend time on the gym or with a personal trainer there are few of them that comes ahead based on the results. Here are the top 5:


This compound movement, one which we all perform everyday when whilst [reluctantly] getting out of bed – the basic movement has some mighty powers! To my mind, the best way to execute the move is to imagine you’re slowly sitting down onto a chair, and then reversing the motion back up. For a progression, use a Barbell to supplement the weight.

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March cleaning diet

March nutrition cleaning

Come March, it’s not uncommon for people to start cleaning up their diet and look for new foods to help them achieve optimal health. Months like December, January and February can be tough on the body, with later nights becoming more frequent and more booze and inflammatory foods being consumed.

Here are some of the best cleansing ingredients to start eating today. You should feel better in no time.

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Super foods that help you burn fat

Super foods that help you burn fat

If you viеw fооd аѕ thе enemy, hеrе are itеmѕ thаt might mаkе you сhаngе уоur mind аnd hаvе them work fоr you inѕtеаd of against уоu. Whilе they mау bе рrеttу ѕuреr, you ѕhоuldn’t put аll of уоur attention on аnу one of them. Start bу introducing a few mоrе super fооdѕ that burn fat intо уоur diеt еасh wееk until you find that you’re еаting much more оf thеm thаn you used to. 

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Not So Obvious Signs of Stress

 Not So Obvious Signs of Stress

Are you suffering from stress and don’t even realize it? Watch for these important warning signs.

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The Truth About Fat

 The Truth About Fat

A lot of people incorrectly assume that fat needs to be avoided at all costs. We’ve decided to take a look at what this food group actually does, and why it’s essential to staying fit and healthy.

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