5 Ways to Shake Your Salt Habbit
Eat Fresh Foods
While manufacturers are getting better at reducing the sodium levels in foods, you should still read the labels. Fresh foods like fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, unsalted nuts and fresh lean meats are naturally low in sodium and should make up the majority of your diet.
Be a Smart Shopper
Sauces and condiments such as mustard, ready-made marinades, soy sauce and even peanut butter can contain large amounts of salt. Which is why it's important to read labels. Look for products that have less than 120mg/per 100g or purchase products with “reduced salt” variations wherever possible.
Add Flavor to your Food
Experiment with sauces, marinades, dressings or nut butters. It’s easier than you think. Use bases such as extra virgin olive oil and vinegars, mixed with fresh lemon, lime, garlic or fresh herbs and spices for an added flavour boost.
Or simply blend soaked cashews and almonds for a freshly made nut paste. Try this for a few weeks and you’re taste buds will get used to a less salty flavour.
Order Take-Out Wisely
While it's hard to know exactly how much salt is in your meal, there are a few things you can do to limit your intake. Avoid large portions and order sauces, gravies and dressings on the side, also ask whether the food contains MSG.
Choose cuisines that use less salt in their dishes like Japanese and Vietnamese compared to other cuisines that use lots of heavy sauces or salty sides such as Indian and Chinese.
Potassium Rich Foods
Eating potassium rich foods helps balance out the negative effects of salt,and lower blood pressure. Examples are leafy greens, bananas and avocados.