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5 Healthy Low-Calorie Dinner Ideas to Keep You Satisfied and Energized

healthy dinner

Maintaining a low-calorie diet can be challenging, especially when it comes to dinners that need to be filling, nutritious, and easy to make. A low-calorie dinner doesn’t mean skimping on flavor or satisfaction!

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Maintaining Wellness During Winter Holidays

holiday wellness

The winter holidays are a joyous time filled with festivities, family gatherings, and delicious food. However, it's also a season where many individuals find it challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The combination of cold weather, tempting treats, and busy schedules can lead to neglecting our well-being. Let's In this article, we'll explore strategies to stay healthy during the winter holidays, incorporating three gym exercises for those who prefer indoor workouts, and two easy and nutritious recipes to keep your diet on track.

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Men's HIIT Workouts

Men's HIIT Workouts

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has gained tremendous popularity in recent years as an effective and time-efficient workout regimen.

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Acid Reflux & Nutrition

acid reflux

The stomach, which contains hydrochloric acid, will help in the proper digestion of food. The problem lies when the LES either does not close all the way or it opens too often that produces acid to your stomach and move up into your esophagus.

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How to Stick to Your Health Goals During the Winter

 stick to health goals

Do you find sticking to those healthy habits become that little bit tougher during the colder months? Is hitting that snooze alarm and ditching your morning walk becoming the norm? Are you reaching for carbohydrate comfort foods more?

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Benefits of Cardio Exercises

Benefits of Cardio Exercises

For some people when they start their health and fitness journey, it can often become overwhelming of where to begin. Cardio exercise is one of the most popular forms of exercise. Understanding the major benefits of cardio exercise may help you discover how to start including it as part of your routine.

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Foods To Eat Before A Workout

Foods To Eat Before A Workout

Our bodies need to be fueled correctly in order to function to the best of their ability when working out. Consuming the right foods and fluids before and after you exercise is crucial to get the best out of your exercise.

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Yoga Benefits

Yoga Benefits

Yoga can reduce cortisol

Cortisol is the body’s primary “stress hormone”. It not only contributes to those familiar, unwelcome feelings of stress and anxiety, it also promotes the breakdown of tissue around the body, including muscle. When cortisol levels are chronically high, you can expect to feel terrible, and struggle immensely trying to gain mass.

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Weight Loss Through Nutrition


Weight loss can be achieved through gradually reducing the amount of calories you take in or by doing repetitive exercise for any given duration i.e. walking, jogging, running, cycling etc

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Easy Steps to Living Healthier


Step 1: Take stock

Change requires an honest assessment of where you’re at. Analyze your eating patterns, physical activity, moods, social network and destructive habits (i.e. smoking, excessive drinking, four coffees/day). Once you identify the things you need to improve, you can start to tackle what realistic action is required to make positive changes. 

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  1688 Hits

Breathing the right way

Breathing the right way

Considering how crucial it is to our survival, we spend very little time thinking about the way we breathe. In fact, most of us generally only think about our breath when we’re short of it. But it’s a subject that could do with a little more attention. If we breathe the way our bodies were designed to, we can unlock real and lasting benefits for our workouts and our health.

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  2130 Hits

Incidental Exercise Ideas

Incidental Exercise IdeasHow did you spend your last 24 hours? How many hours did you spend sitting down compared to standing up? What type of movement did you do?

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Improve Bone Health


improve bone health

Our skeleton is also extremely efficient, despite supporting the weight of our entire body. The dry weight of a healthy human skeleton averages only around 7% of total body mass – so blaming excess weight on ‘big bones’ is not exactly an excuse!

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  1843 Hits

Body problems and how to beat them

bodyproblms1If you are serious about developing your physical stregth, whether by competitive running, personal training, pumping iron in the gym, or even just doing yoga you’ll know there’s a whole lot more than seven potential ways in which your body can not only protest but cause some serious troubles.  Whatever your genetic strengths or weaknesses, learning to listen and respond to your body’s initial warning signs makes all the difference between a short or long recovery time and is crucial if you want to keep doing what you do well.  On this article the focus is on some of the most common injuries affecting competitive runners, but the information applies to most physical workouts and regimes.

Runner’s knee accounts for about 40% of all running injuries.  It typically strikes on longer runs, while descending hills or stairs, or after prolonged sitting.  Almost everyone is at risk.  The first solution is to slow down.  Take extra rest days and reduce your mileage, running only as far as you can without pain.  Running uphill or simulating hills on a treadmill strengthens your glutes, hips and thighs and prevents knees from rolling inwards.  Cycling is also good for strengthening your quads and swimming is knee-friendly.  If you have knee pain on waking which doesn’t ease up, stop running.

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5 Ways for healthy work launch

over3Present day work environments and schedules are not usually very sympathetic or flexible towards those trying to follow a healthy lifestyle or on a diet. Shift work, overtime, deadlines, family responsibilities and commuting can all wreck your fitness regime if you let them. While some compromises may be necessary the secret is to stay in control of the situation as much as possible.

Here are few suggestions to help maintain your weight loss program while also keeping your job.

Control your eating environment. Don’t let others dictate your food choices and don’t be afraid to turn down offers of unhealthy snack foods or drinks at meetings or office parties. Don’t be intimidated by other people’s views on your dieting. If necessary, explain what you’re doing and why. Be positive and assertive. Choose who you hang out with. Try to find like-minded co-workers to help give support to your health regime.

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Look Healthy - Feel Healthy!

lookandfeelhealthy1The squat is the most simple but most technical move at the same time. Adults seem to have trouble most of the time as their lifestyle or job has caused some kind of muscular imbalance forcing them to move in a different way. From the picture below you can see the lady squatting with her shoulders rounding and the torso has fallen forward.

A good way I check to see if it’s a case of bad ankle mobility is to get her to stand on blocks elevating her heels. If the body still falls forward we generally assume that it’s higher up leg possibly her hip flexors and not her ankle mobility. If she didn’t lean forward, and it feels pretty comfortable we can assume that her ankle mobility is the issue which forces the rest of her kinetic chain to move in a different way.

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The Best Time For Your Fitness Schedule


There are many ideas and beliefs about when is the best time of the day to exercise. Many people like to get up and get it done first thing in the morning and others prefer to exercise late in the afternoon or evening.

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  7360 Hits

Bodybuilding for Veggies


Looking at most bodybuilder blogs and articles you could easily assume that only meat eaters need apply. However this is certainly not the case and there are a huge number of vegetarian bodybuilders today.

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The Wellness World


The wellness world is growing consistently. From having a muscle headed body for the men, to a thin and trim search for the women. Everyone is on a nonstop fight for attaining to that flawless body.

Health is the quest for upgraded personal satisfaction, self-awareness, and potential through constructive way of life practices and mentality. On the off chance that we assume liability for our own particular wellbeing and prosperity, we can enhance our wellbeing consistently. Certain components impact our condition of wellbeing, including healthy food, physical movement, and activity.

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From the couch to the Gym

From the couch to the Gym

Summer season is nearly upon us, and whether you are planning on completing a half marathon or just build a better body through running, it’s always good to be prepared. Here are some helpful tips to get prepare.

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  3620 Hits

Staying Fit at Work

Staying Fit at Work

You've probably heard how sitting for prolonged periods of time is just as dangerous as smoking. According to studies and doctors the affects lead to serious health problems, equivalent to those of smoking.

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