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Feeling Scared of the Gym?


There’s no getting around the fact that for some of us the gym can feel like an intimidating place when you’re first starting out. Our latest research shows that 50% of non-gym members say they find the idea of going to the gym scary, with one in five saying they would find it very scary. But don't worry, because we have found the best ways of overcoming this.

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  1142 Hits

Signs of an Unhealthy Exercise Habit

Signs of an Unhealthy Exercise Habit

The endorphin rush that comes with a workout, the accomplishment in improving strength or dropping a few kilos is hard to beat. It is motivating and inspiring and is often the driving force that keeps us going back for more.

For most, this healthy habit is something that enhances our quality of life, but for a subset of the population it becomes more sinister.

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  2237 Hits

Ways to Balance Lifestyle and Fitness Goals


Sometimes it’s all too easy to put health and fitness into the ‘goals to be achieved’ bucket and revisit at a time in your life when it feels like more of a priority.

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Meals after the gym

fruitsaOkay so you’re planning on going to the gym for a great workout but want to make it count and don’t know what to eat after a workout, right?

Why not try a delicious whey protein shake packed with carbs and nutritional goodness? What are the benefits of “shakes”?

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From the couch to the Gym

From the couch to the Gym

Summer season is nearly upon us, and whether you are planning on completing a half marathon or just build a better body through running, it’s always good to be prepared. Here are some helpful tips to get prepare.

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Tips when you can't (don't want) go to the gym.

Tips when you can't (don't want) go to the gym.

Some days, I just don’t feel like training. Sometimes this because I’ve been working a lot, not sleeping enough, not eating properly, or overloaded with other things to do. Usually, I just train anyway: partly because I’ve got goals to hit, and partly because life (and being a grownup) is about doing things you don’t necessarily want to do in pursuit of a greater good, and the gym is a good way to practice that. But sometimes – maybe once a month, I really can’t face doing the workout I’ve got planned.

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6 Tips for Building Mental Muscle

6 Tips for Building Mental Muscle

Changing your body can often mean changing your mind too. It can be an uphill battle at the best of times, but without the right mindset, you may never get to your transformation peak.

By building ‘mental muscle’ and training the mind to support your exercise, you will be well on your way to achieving your goals. Here are a few tips to get you started:

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Train with a Friend


If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your results, the answer could be simpler than you think. Recruit a training buddy!

Here are a few benefits that you can enjoy when you work out with a friend instead of going alone.

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  2373 Hits