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The Best Core Exercises & Workouts for Women

The Best Core Exercises & Workouts for Women

What Is The Core Of The Body?

The term "body core" typically refers to the central or core area of the body, which includes the muscles, bones, and structures in the torso and pelvis. The core is a crucial part of the body, as it provides stability, balance, and support for various movements and activities.

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  569 Hits

Legs Exercise Tuck and Hops


Stand on a padded surface (tumbling mat) with feet slightly less than shoulder width.

It is important to practice tuck jump on a safe surface and avoid any harms.Bend your knees and use your whole foot to generate power to jump and not just your toes. Jump as high as you can. While you are in the air, tuck your knees close to your chest. Don’t let your shoulders lean out beyond your knees because this may stress your lower back.Land on the same spot with knees slightly bent to reduce the impact to your knees.

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HIIT Workouts

 hiit workouts

Does HIIT Help With Weight Loss?

Yes, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) can be effective for weight loss. HIIT workouts typically involve short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by periods of rest or low-intensity exercise, and they can help you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time compared to steady-state cardio exercise.

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  1067 Hits

How Working Out Can Increase Your Happiness

 How Working Out Can Increase Your Happiness

We are all of course aware of the physical benefits that exercise provides us with. It tones up your limbs, strengthens your core, aids in keeping your heart strong, and can add years onto your life. But what about the benefits of exercise on how you feel, your brain development and overall health?

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  939 Hits

Why You Should Use a Treadmill


 As the days get shorter, the evenings get darker, and the weather gets chillier, heading outside for a jog isn't quite so appealing, is it?! 

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  1007 Hits

Feeling Scared of the Gym?


There’s no getting around the fact that for some of us the gym can feel like an intimidating place when you’re first starting out. Our latest research shows that 50% of non-gym members say they find the idea of going to the gym scary, with one in five saying they would find it very scary. But don't worry, because we have found the best ways of overcoming this.

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  1209 Hits

Things That Are Sabotaging Your Workout

Things That Are Sabotaging Your Workout

Here are six things you should never do before hitting the gym.

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  1965 Hits

Workout for Tennis players

tennis_match (1)

Working on your fitness can really improve your tennis game. The workout below targets each of the main areas involved in the game so you’re in top shape when you step on court. Repeat the workout twice a week for the best results, resting for 30-45secs between sets.  Start with a warm-up of marching then jogging on the spot and stretches for the upper and lower body.  

Forward and Side Jumps/hops – 2 sets.

Arrange 5 low hurdles in the floor roughly 1.5f apart (you can use cones or any other markers if necessary).  Jump over each hurdle with feet together, using your arms to add momentum, jumping again as soon as you land. Turn to your right and repeat the course, jumping sideways, leading with your left shoulder, and then repeat leading with your left. 

Lunge and Twist – 2 sets of 12 reps (6 each side)

Stand with feet together holding a medicine ball or weight level with your chest.  Take a large step forward with your right leg and extend your arms out in front of you.  Rotate your torso to the right and then back to the centre.  Bend both knees to perform a lunge, making sure your front knee is behind your toes.  Quickly straighten your legs, jumping up and bringing your left leg forward and right leg back.  Turn your torso to the left and then back to centre, lunging and jumping again.  Continue, alternating sides to complete one set. 

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  20769 Hits

The Five Rules for a Muscled Body

From time to time, people are saying they find the perfect solution to "build" your body. But what about if you don't want to become a body-builder, but just get more fit and healthy? Let's see the 5 basic rules to fit your self up the easy way:

1.  Eat five times a day at 2-3 hour intervals. This keeps you saturated with the amino acids and glycogen from protein and carbohydrate sources that you need to push abnormal muscle growth. This also prevents muscle loss due to a bodily starvation reaction to heavy workouts.

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  104250 Hits

Abs workout training - Hanging leg raise

Hanging leg raise works the abdominal muscles, especially the lower abs.  It also trains your grip strength which you need it for many weight lifting workouts including pull up and bench press.

Womanraise Menraise

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  167076 Hits

Push ups workout tips

pushups1Push ups offer a great upper body workout, by using the body to work the deltoids, pectorals and triceps. However, this workout can put too much strain on your arm joints, especially those in the wrist. Modifications to your usual routine may help alleviate the pressure.

Ball press-up

Using a stability ball changes the position into a wrist-friendly, albeit more challenging exercise that targets the mid-chest area, triceps and abdominals. Hold your body horizontally with your toes on the floor over the ball. Hold the ball, grasping it to stop it wobbling. Your hands should be placed just under your shoulders. Bend your arms to at least 90° with each rep.

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  17986 Hits

Something new, something old: Get some rest

rest2Workout - Recuperate

Getting sufficient rest and recuperation is as important as any workout. Overtraining won’t make you any stronger or aid your performance, so learn to keep a proper balance between the two by watching for the following markers.

A loss of body mass/weight of just 2% indicates a lack of sufficient hydration which affects both physical and mental performance. Another indicator of dehydration is the colour of your urine. Dark yellow means you need to drink more water. Drinking more fluids both before and after a workout is recommended.

It’s a good idea to check your resting heart rate each morning to see what’s normal for you. An elevated resting heart rate is a sign of stress and your heart trying to move more oxygen to muscles and the brain. Physical and psychological stress registers the same. Both require extra recovery.

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  25524 Hits

Training after middle age

older1Many women are turned off from training as they have the wrong impression that lifting weights or any kind of gym activity is something men want to do to build muscles. How your body adapts to working with weights is determined by your genetics.

For women there are numerous benefits for doing resistance training and I promise you won’t end up looking like Arnie! Resistance training is good for anyone of any age or ability. It offers the benefits of gaining strength, improved co-ordination, better posture, a serious kick to the metabolism and heaps of self confidence. Heart problems, fat and a series of other conditions may become better by time and self-confidence can be boost as never before.

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  11459 Hits

A self motivation trick for success

moti1Do you talk to yourself while you're working out? Serious question! Or would you rather not be the person everyone avoids on the gym floor as they're worried about the mental state of someone happily having a conversation with themself?

Do you respond better to motivation? Could you push out a few more reps or go just a little bit faster with someone there to encourage you? I'm guessing most people would say yes - which is perfect as it keeps us Personal Trainers in a job! So if you respond to someone pushing you to the next level, getting the very best out of you, motivating you to try those last few movements - why can't you be your own cheerleader?

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  13008 Hits

Improve Power & Fitness in Soccer

soccer2Improving power, or explosive strength and speed is a big deal in soccer. Ask a player what he feels he needs to work on and 9 out of 10 the answer will be: "get faster and more explosive"

And they are right, these qualities are definitely very important for a dominating performance in soccer and many other sports. Note: I am not a scientist, and I do not know much about research, so I would like to simply give you my personal take on this based on experience and logic.

This advice comes straight from the trenches. Theory is good, but it has to be backed by practice, in my opinion. I do a lot of work with association football (soccer) and my approach has proven effective over and over again: for myself as many others, applying the same strategies.

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  9666 Hits

Getting back in to the workout routine


Summer is pretty close to the end and when at the thought of exercising, you begin to potter around, clean the house and look for food (and discover there is none, so you buy some junk food).  Well, you need to stop, and ask yourself – WHY AM I AVOIDING IT?! If you’re anything like me, the answer may be, ‘I’ve had a bit of time off and I know I won’t be at the same standard I used to be, it’s going to be painfully depressing.’ Well, guess what sweetheart, procrastinating and procrastibaking aren’t going to help you and really, who cares if you’re not as good as last time?! Exercise should be about having fun, see it as a healthy challenge to reach those goals again.

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  5904 Hits

Few Abs exercises you should know


Pallof Press

The pallof press is the excellent anti-rotational exercise that puts great demand on the trunk to stop it rotating in a transverse plane. To perform, assume an athletic posture with knees bent, pelvis and lumbar (lower) spine neutral, and shoulders relaxed.

As you push the cable in front of you, focus on engaging the core, stopping the rotation of your trunk. Keep it as rigid as possible, hold for 2-5secs and pull back into your center.
You can perform the Pallof Press in various stances, kneeling, split stance on floor or off and lastly parallel.

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  5417 Hits

The Perfect Push Ups Guide


Push-ups aren’t as easy as they look and while their benefits are well known performed incorrectly they can cause shoulder and/or lower back injuries. Push-ups build muscle by working your chest, shoulders, triceps and core muscles. They can be done almost anywhere at any time; however, if your technique is off push-ups can cause trouble.

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  5013 Hits

Kettle Bell Workout


A quick Kettle Bell session you can do in your lunch break for less than 15 minutes!

Most of the trainers love Kettle Bell. Perfect for all days where we’re short of time or space. So we thought to put together an all-over body session to do at home, in the gym or a park.

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  4358 Hits

Why you should hire a Personal Trainer

Why you should hire a Personal Trainer in Astoria

Investing in the services of a personal trainer may have crossed your mind if you are committed or seriously considering making a commitment towards improving your health and fitness. Many questions are likely to come to mind, mainly whether it will be worth the prices involved per session or if they can offer something you cannot achieve alone or alongside an equally enthusiastic friend. This kind of questions depend on the quality of trainer you decide to hire, this is not a decision to made quickly and a bit of research is often required.

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  3817 Hits

Stretching Tips & Tricks


Everybody’s bodies are different and require trial and error to determine what will have it functioning at its optimal level.
With this in mind, to figure out whether you should be stretching or not is entirely up to you!

Stretch tip #1: Focus on your breathing as well!

Personally, I love stretching before, after and even during my workouts. The reason I like to stretch a little beforehand?

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  3568 Hits

How to run a 10K

Easy guide to 10K running

Running a 10K run it's not so easy as it sounds. Requires a lot of preparation, more than average health and and a plan, in order to succeed and avoid injuries. You may think, ‘I can run 5k, I don’t need a training plan, I just need to run a bit further’. Which, yes, is true to an extent but a proper training plan will get you running further and faster better than if you just tag a couple of extra miles onto your long runs now and again. 

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  3287 Hits

5 Tips for Great Running

5 Tips for Great Running

When I first got into running, I encountered everything from difficult rankles to scraping to unsupported chests — no big surprise I loathed it. I wish somebody had sat me down and let me know these essential tips and tricks to smooth my move from non-runner to runner. In case you're simply beginning all alone voyage beating the asphalt or treadmill belt, here are things you ought to think about running.

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  4834 Hits

Quick 30 min Running Workout

Quick 30 min Running Workout

Sometimes we have to re-discover our love for running. In my case it’s been coming in waves over the past few months, but I can finally honestly say that I’m enjoying it again.

I had a forced few weeks off pretty much all exercise last month, and when I came back running and cycling were the only options. Now I’m REALLY not a fan of bikes (although I know spin is an excellent workout and I do try to fit it in semi-regularly), so running was pretty much the only option.

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  3616 Hits

Interval Training & Fitness

Interval Training & Fitness

No doubt you will have heard about interval training. There’s also quite a strong possibility that you haven’t yet tried it out. Horrible nightmare images of you sprinting every 30 second, gasping for breath? Visions of yourself pedalling on level 20 of your bike, legs burning and feeling like they’re probably going to drop off? Most people I speak to about interval training are put off because they think it involves sprinting like a madman, and they just don’t think they’re capable of holding out at that level of intensity, even for 30 seconds.

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  3354 Hits

How You Could Be Harming Your Fitness Results

How You Could Be Harming Your Fitness Results

You’re getting up early, putting on gym gear and heading out to train… yet nothing’s happening. It’s very demotivating when you’re making the effort and you’re not seeing results, but sticking on a pair of runners and joining your local gym doesn't automatically equal better fitting jeans. If you’re struggling to reach your goals despite doing all the right things, check this list out and make sure you’re not being held to ransom by self-sabotaging habits.

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  2529 Hits

6 Tips for Building Mental Muscle

6 Tips for Building Mental Muscle

Changing your body can often mean changing your mind too. It can be an uphill battle at the best of times, but without the right mindset, you may never get to your transformation peak.

By building ‘mental muscle’ and training the mind to support your exercise, you will be well on your way to achieving your goals. Here are a few tips to get you started:

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  2705 Hits

Train with a Friend


If you’re looking for an easy way to improve your results, the answer could be simpler than you think. Recruit a training buddy!

Here are a few benefits that you can enjoy when you work out with a friend instead of going alone.

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  2418 Hits

How To Stay Active When on Vacation


It doesn’t have to mean sweating it out in the gym, get outdoors and make the most of the weather.

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  1800 Hits