Quick 30 min Running Workout
Sometimes we have to re-discover our love for running. In my case it’s been coming in waves over the past few months, but I can finally honestly say that I’m enjoying it again.
I had a forced few weeks off pretty much all exercise last month, and when I came back running and cycling were the only options. Now I’m REALLY not a fan of bikes (although I know spin is an excellent workout and I do try to fit it in semi-regularly), so running was pretty much the only option.
Which felt a little daunting given I’d been used to so much variety in my workouts…
But when you actually sit down and think about it (which, you know, is kind of my job), there are plenty of variations on running based workouts. From stairs to long slow runs and intervals to sprints, with a little effort you can make it work. Here’s my fave from the past few weeks!
(FYI I don’t usually include my warm ups, but as this is a high intensity running session it really is important that you warm up properly. This is a sample of what I did; adjust dependent on how your body is feeling).
Light jog (4-5min)
30 secs high knees – 30 secs heels to butt (x 4)
High skips (10 per side) – jog it out 20m (x 4)
Stretch – focus on glutes, hip flexors, hamstrings
[comfortable = below race pace | uncomfortable = above race pace]
60 secs comfortable pace – 60 secs uncomfortable pace – x 5
45 secs comfortable pace – 60 secs uncomfortable pace – x 5
30 secs comfortable pace – 60 secs uncomfortable pace – x 5
I’m not running my fastest (by a long shot) but that’s ok with me at the moment. I’m enjoying running for the fun of it, and sometimes that’s ok.
PS: Is it just me or are men’s running shoes heaps cooler than women’s at the moment? The Iconic is nailing it… way too much pink going on in the ladies’ department across the board at the moment. Give me monochrome any day!