Weight lifting and tendon injuries
Tendon trouble and injuries is common amongst those who push their physical limits especially weight lifters. Shoulders are one of the more vulnerable areas of the body; however, anyone involved in strenuous exercise, workouts and sports is liable to strain or damage their tendons. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, advil and aspirin is only a short- term solution and if used extensively can lead to other health problems particularly of the digestive system.
Tendon trouble comes in two main forms: tendonitis and tendonosis and can involve partial or complete tears, subluxation and dislocation or entrapment. It’s important to know which you have as the treatment and prognosis vary significantly. Therefore, getting a proper diagnosis is critical. Of course, doctors, surgeons and even sports medical professionals are often eager to suggest surgery as the only solution.
Arthroscopy techniques and procedures are seemingly quite simple and supposedly effective although far from cheap and not always successful. If your problem persists get an MRI scan first before opting for the knife.
Quite likely your tendon problem can be healed by other non-invasive means, especially if the damage is only partial. Surgery should be the last, not the first or by no means the only option.
Tendonosis and tendonitis are quite different conditions. Tendonosis is often mistakenly diagnosed as tendonitis. It is degenerative rather than inflammatory and therefore does not respond well to anti-inflammatory drugs. The treatment differs from tendonitis.
Tendonosis takes longer to heal but often responds better to therapeutic exercise including a technique which remodels chronically damaged tissue via eccentric loading. This promises help if your doctor, physio-therapist and personal trainer know what they’re talking about.
Briefly, the treatment determines your most painful movements by warming up slowly with lower weights or therapy bands. It then progresses to faster movements with heavier weights then alternating between sets at higher and lower speeds. There could be better exercise options depending on your particular injury. Check first with those who know.