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Energy Foods

energy foods

So, how do you keep a spring in your step when your fuel tank is low? Thankfully, nature provides food varieties that serve up big flavor and an even bigger energy hit. 

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Enhancing Your Daily Walk

Enhancing Your Daily Walk

Below are 5 easy ways to make walking more enjoyable, more productive and drive long term results.

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Exercise Can Help Boost Brain Bower

Exercise Can Help Boost Brain Bower

Getting fit isn’t just about bigger muscles, it also helps build brain cells. Here are five reasons why exercise makes you smarter, sharper and more productive.

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Fitness requires energy

energy1Different physical activities have differing energy requirements, as one might expect. However, these energy requirements rely on a variety of sources of fuel as well as bodily energy systems to supply their needs. Understanding your body’s needs and responses according to the type of physical activity you’re involved in largely determines your overall performance and success.

Take, for example, the 100 meter sprint and the marathon. The sprint is a brief high intensity event, whereas the marathon is a prolonged endurance test. Both burn up plenty of energy from different sources and by way of different bodily systems. Basic energy comes via the muscles in the form of Adenosine Triphosphate, or ATP. However, stored supplies of ATP for immediate use are limited and must be replenished and resynthesized from other sources via various metabolic paths depending on the intensity of the need.

The energy systems providing the metabolic paths are categorized as either immediate, short or long term and each is based on the resynthesis of ATP either from intramuscular phosphate PCr macronutrients, carbohydrates, lipids and protein or in some form of combination. These fuel sources use varying metabolic pathways in the regeneration of ATP.

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